Image courtesy of the artist and the website of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland.
Rósa Gísladóttir Exhibits at Skálholt
July 17, 2020
Rósa Gísladóttir’s exhibition Displacement opens at 11:30 in Skálholt on Saturday August 18th. On display are geometric and symmetrical sculptures made of jesmonite, originally shown in Rome in 2012.

The exhibition is a part of the annual festival of the arts in Skálholt, one of country´s most important historic sites and the cultural and spiritual center of the country for centuries.

For further information on Rósa and her works, please visit the artist’s website.
BERG  Contemporary
BERG Contemporary
Smiðjustígur 10
Klapparstígur 16
101 Reykjavík
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