Image courtesy of Berger Parkkinen Architekten
Sigurður Guðjónsson at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin
October 31, 2023
A new exhibition, titled Parallel Dimensions II, is set to open at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin on 8. November, featuring the photographic works of Sigurður Guðjónsson, among other Icelandic artists.

An exploration of time, space and perception, curator Ásdís Spanó has selected 25 leading contemporary Icelandic artists, designers, and innovators to highlight a diversity of media and materials.

Visitation to the exhibition is by registration only, to be sourced through Fælleshus.
The exhibition is organised in cooperation with Business Iceland / Inspired by Iceland and Icelandair.
BERG  Contemporary
BERG Contemporary
Smiðjustígur 10
Klapparstígur 16
101 Reykjavík
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