Dodda Maggý and BERG Contemporary Release an Album
October 6, 2017
On the occasion of Dodda Maggý’s exhibition, VARIATONS, BERG Contemporary is releasing a vinyl record with the work C series. The album is signed and numbered, in edition of 30. C series is about the working process of a composing method that Dodda Maggý created for the piece, as she was mostly interested in creating a process to compose music/sound and to use video as a tool to compose music.

„The work examines the flute as an instrument and the relationship of the image to a single note. The sound is made from a sampled flute, but only 15 notes that I chose. For each note I created circular images, and animated into 15 videoloops. Each form represents its own note. I then animated the video forms in a complex visual composition and added the sound to its dedicated form. In the end I removed the video leaving only the musical composition and continued to compose on top of that foundation. So the base musical composition was structured and created through the process of structuring the visuals.“ – Dodda Maggý
BERG  Contemporary
BERG Contemporary
Smiðjustígur 10
Klapparstígur 16
101 Reykjavík
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